Category Tree

General [4]
Resource keywords in this category:
    AHP [1]
    Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) [1]
    capacity [1]
    channel capacity [1]
    consistency [1]
    eigenvalue [1]
    eigenvector method (EVM) [1]
    entropy [1]
    geometric mean [1]
    geometric mean method [1]
    group aggregation [1]
    group decision [1]
    group decision making [1]
    information processing [1]
    judgments [1]
    magical number [1]
    memory [1]
    Shannon [1]
AHP/ANP [90]
Resource keywords in this category:
    aggregation [3]
    aggregation of individual judgments (AIJ) [6]
    aggregation of individual priorities (AIP) [4]
    AHP [5]
    AHP application [3]
    AHP online [3]
    AHP software [8]
    AHP-OS [3]
    algorithm [5]
    alo-group [2]
    alternatives [3]
    Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) [59]
    Analytic Network Process (ANP) [5]
    arithmetic mean [1]
    balanced scale [2]
    BOCR [2]
    characteristic polynomial [1]
    cloud computing [1]
    cluster [2]
    commensurability [1]
    comparison [5]
    Compatibility index [1]
    compromise [1]
    conflicting results [1]
    congruence [1]
    consensus [4]
    consensus indicator [1]
    consistency [20]
    consistency index [7]
    criteria [3]
    criteria weights [3]
    data envelopment analysis (DEA) [1]
    decision analysis [7]
    decision support systems [2]
    decisor [1]
    disparities [1]
    dissonance [1]
    eigenvalue [1]
    eigenvector method (EVM) [11]
    ELECTRE [2]
    entropy [1]
    Excel [2]
    Experimental evaluation [2]
    Expert Choise [1]
    expert judgments [1]
    FAHP [3]
    FUCOM [1]
    full consistency method [1]
    Fuzzy [3]
    Fuzzy logic [1]
    geographical information system (GIS) [1]
    geometric consistency index (GCI) [3]
    geometric mean [2]
    geometric mean method [9]
    goal progamming [1]
    graph theory [2]
    group aggregation [4]
    group decision [9]
    group decision making [12]
    heuristic rating estimation [1]
    hierarchical weighting [1]
    homogeneity [1]
    Hybrid Fuzzy AHP [1]
    incomplete pairwise comparison matrix [2]
    inconsistency [3]
    induced bias matrix [1]
    information processing [1]
    information system project selection [1]
    intangibles [2]
    interdependence [1]
    introduction [3]
    inventory classification [1]
    judgments [2]
    likert scale [2]
    limit matrix [2]
    linear programming (LP) [1]
    logarithmic least squares method (LLSM) [2]
    MACBETH [1]
    magical number [1]
    measurement [2]
    mental limits [1]
    missing entry [2]
    missing judgment estimation [1]
    Modified AHP [2]
    Monte-Carlo [3]
    multi-criteria decision-making [4]
    Multiple criteria programming [1]
    normalization of priorities [1]
    number of criteria [1]
    number of decision criteria [1]
    Order Preservation [2]
    pairwise comparison matrix [7]
    pairwise comparisons [15]
    pivot [1]
    positiv reciprocal matrix [4]
    preference [1]
    PriEsT [1]
    prioritization [1]
    prioritization method [1]
    priority derivation [3]
    probability [1]
    Project-based learning [1]
    rank reversal [2]
    ratio scales [1]
    ratios [1]
    reciprocal relations [1]
    recource allocation [2]
    review [6]
    row geometric mean [2]
    scale [12]
    scale calibration [1]
    scale functions [7]
    sensitivity analysis [4]
    Shannon [1]
    Shannon entropy [2]
    Simulation [3]
    Singular value decomposition [1]
    SMART [2]
    software [1]
    software evaluation [2]
    spanning trees [2]
    strenght [1]
    Supplier evaluation [1]
    TOPSIS [2]
    uncertainty [6]
    Validating AHP [1]
    Validating ANP [1]
    Validation [3]
    Validation examples [1]
    weakness [2]
    weighted product model (WPM) [6]
    weighted sum model (WSM) [7]
    weighting methods [2]
Decision Making [34]
Resource keywords in this category:
    aggregation [1]
    AHP online [3]
    AHP software [8]
    AHP-OS [3]
    algorithm [2]
    alo-group [1]
    Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) [14]
    Analytic Network Process (ANP) [3]
    application [1]
    best worst method (BWM) [1]
    BOCR [2]
    comparison [2]
    congruence [1]
    consensus [3]
    consensus indicator [2]
    consistency [3]
    criteria weights [1]
    decision analysis [2]
    decision support systems [1]
    decisor [1]
    dissonance [1]
    eigenvector method (EVM) [1]
    ELECTRE [3]
    entropy [1]
    Excel [2]
    Expert Choise [1]
    FAHP [1]
    FUCOM [1]
    full consistency method [1]
    Fuzzy [1]
    GAIA [2]
    geographical information system (GIS) [2]
    geometric consistency index (GCI) [1]
    geometric mean [1]
    geometric mean method [1]
    graph theory [1]
    group aggregation [1]
    group decision [2]
    group decision making [4]
    incomplete pairwise comparison matrix [2]
    inconsistency [1]
    intangibles [1]
    interval analysis [1]
    introduction [2]
    likert scale [1]
    limit matrix [2]
    mathematical programming [1]
    method [1]
    missing entry [2]
    missing judgment estimation [2]
    Monte-Carlo [2]
    multi-criteria decision-making [6]
    Multiple criteria programming [1]
    normalization of priorities [1]
    ordinal scale [1]
    pairwise comparison matrix [2]
    pairwise comparisons [3]
    PriEsT [1]
    prioritization [2]
    priority derivation [1]
    rank reversal [1]
    review [4]
    row geometric mean [1]
    scale [1]
    scale functions [1]
    scoring [1]
    sensitivity analysis [2]
    Shannon [1]
    Shannon entropy [1]
    SIMUS [2]
    SMART [4]
    SMARTER [1]
    SMARTS [2]
    software [1]
    software evaluation [2]
    spanning trees [1]
    TOPSIS [2]
    uncertainty [2]
    weakness [1]
    weighted product model (WPM) [1]
    weighted sum model (WSM) [4]
    weighting methods [2]
Resource subcategories in this category:
    Decision making support systems [16]
wikindx 5.8.1 ©2019 | Total resources: 107 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA) | Database queries: 21 | DB execution: 0.08631 secs | Script execution: 0.72319 secs