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Vasconcelos, G. R. (2019). Exploring multicriteria elicitation model based on pairwise comparisons: building an interactive preference adjustment algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, 1–14. 
Added by: Klaus-admin (05 Oct 2019 15:02:25 Asia/Singapore)   
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.1155/2019/2125740
BibTeX citation key: Vasconcelos2019
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Categories: AHP/ANP
Keywords: AHP, algorithm, consistency, consistency index
Creators: de Miranda Mota, Vasconcelos
Publisher: Hindawi
Collection: Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Views: 17/783
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Popularity index: 17.5%
Pairwise comparisons have been applied to several real decision making problems. As a result, this method has been recognized as an effective decision making tool by practitioners, experts, and researchers. Although methods based on pairwise comparisons are
widespread, decisionmaking problems withmany alternatives and criteria may be challenging.This paper presents the results of an
experiment used to verify the influence of a high number of preferences comparisons in the inconsistency of the comparisonsmatrix and identifies the influence of consistencies and inconsistencies in the assessment of the decision-making process. The findings indicate that it is difficult to predict the influence of inconsistencies and that the priority vector may or may not be influenced by low levels of inconsistencies, with a consistency ratio of less than 0.1. Finally, this work presents an interactive preference adjustment algorithm with the aim of reducing the number of pairwise comparisons while capturing effective information fromthe
decision maker to approximate the results of the problem to their preferences.The presented approach ensures the consistency of a comparisons matrix and significantly reduces the time that decision makers need to devote to the pairwise comparisons process. An example application of the interactive preference adjustment algorithm is included.
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