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Meesariganda, B. R., & Ishizaka, A. (2017). Mapping verbal ahp scale to numerical scale for cloud computing strategy selection. Applied Soft Computing, 53, 111–118. 
Added by: Klaus D. Goepel (06 Jun 2019 06:37:34 Asia/Singapore)   Last edited by: Klaus D. Goepel (08 Jun 2019 09:07:18 Asia/Singapore)
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2016.12.040
BibTeX citation key: Meesariganda2017
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Categories: AHP/ANP
Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), pairwise comparisons, scale, scale calibration
Creators: Ishizaka, Meesariganda
Publisher: Elsevier
Collection: Applied Soft Computing
Views: 13/512
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Popularity index: 11%
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is an established multi-criteria decision making method based on pairwise comparisons. Evaluations are given on a verbal scale and then converted into quantitative values for calculating the priorities of the criteria and alternatives. Several conversion scales have been proposed, which confuses the decision-maker. In order to select the best matching scale according to the mental representation of the verbal scale of each individual decision-maker, verbal scales are first used to compare alternatives with known measures, e.g. surface of figures. The best matching scale representing the real values is then selected. This AHP with individualised scales has been applied in a real case study to select cloud computing strategies.
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