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Goepel, K. D. 2018, July 12—15 Judgment scales of the analytical hierarchy process – the balanced scale. Paper presented at International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (ISAHP 2018). 
Added by: Klaus D. Goepel (08 Jun 2019 07:40:45 Asia/Singapore)   Last edited by: Klaus D. Goepel (10 Jun 2019 00:11:54 Asia/Singapore)
Resource type: Proceedings Article
DOI: 10.13033/isahp.y2018.033
BibTeX citation key: Goepel2018b
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Categories: AHP/ANP
Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), balanced scale, scale, scale functions
Creators: Goepel
Collection: International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (ISAHP 2018)
Views: 21/492
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Popularity index: 10.75%
One topic under discussion of the analytic hierarchy process is the use of different scales in order to translate judgments into ratios. The author shows that the so-called balanced scale has a uniform weight distribution for two decision criteria only. If it is applied to decision problems with more than two criteria, weights are no longer balanced, and priorities are underweighted. A generalization of the balanced scale is proposed, which takes into account the number of decision criteria. It is shown that the generalized balanced scale yields equally dispersed local weights for any number of decision criteria.
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