
3D Printing for Ham Radio

Approximately a year ago I finally spent the money and bought a 3D printer. My main motivation was that I don’t have a workshop, and therefore I was not able to do even small mechanical things. I decided for the Creality Enders 3 Pro, as this printer has a large community, and it is easy to find tutorials and tons of other information on the web.

For the CAD program I ended up with Blender. It might sound like an overkill, but it’s open source and runs under Windows, Linux and Mac. Blender was the main hurdle, to get active with own designs, as it took quite a while to get familiar with the program using it for precision design.

From then onward, I have realized so many things using the 3D printer, and I can no longer imagine the hobby without this tool. Most items are printed with PETG.


Drill press: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1642711/files

Rod and pipe cutter: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3323294

FT-60 radio mount: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:979456

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