Uploaded Pictures
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Posts and pages related to Lita
Uploaded Pictures
Due to upgrades on WordPress and resulting incompatibilities, the pictures can no longer be displayed. Sorry.
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Staying Connected
After the COVID-19 pandemic the meeting was rescheduled to April, 15th, 2023. Place and time to be defined. We will inform all registered participants about new plans and schedules on this website.
Online registration is open now! Please register here. Fees are 700 Pesos per participant and additional donations are always welcome. After your registration you will receive a confirmation email. Please transfer the amount due to the following account:
and email a copy of the bank slip with your name written on it to Mita (mita0955@yahoo.com ) , Zedith (solid_zedisu@yahoo.com) or Violeta (violetarivera736@yahoo.com).
You can upload your picture on the picture upload page. Pictures will be shown in the NSPH 2020 participants’ gallery.
Looking forward …
Participants 2016
Klaus’ website: https://bpmsg.com