
DU1- Dasmariñas – Aug 2016

This time we stay longer than a week in our second home, and I set up a 12 m fibreglass pole with a G5RV multi-band dipole antenna for 40 m to 10 m. The pole is located at on corner of our area, the dipole endings are fixed at two other corners, so the antenna has a form of a 90 degree inverted vee.

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fibre glass pole

The antenna analyser shows clearly 3 resonant frequency points: around 40 m, 20 m and 10 m. All resonances seem to be below the amateur radio frequency bands, probably because of the inverted vee form.


Using my “old” AT-130 antenna tuner, I can operate on all bands from 40 m to 10 m including the WARC bands.

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Assembling the antenna:

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Operation in digital modes using my home-brew interface:

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Time to disassemble, as we are going back to Singapore. Heavy duty 40 ft fiber glass pole and G5RV dipole:

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