

June 18,2023

For my VHF/UHF setup I am using a dual band Yagi antenna mounted with 20 deg elevation, beaming SSW (210 deg). The signal is fed to a dual band amplifier (DBA) from SSB electronics and split into the VHF and UHF path.

Fixed mounted VHF/UHF Yagi at 210 deg with 20 deg elevation

VHF goes to my Icom IC-9700. If not used otherwise, it is running on the 144.39 MHz APRS frequency. Signals are processed via LAN using the remote Wfview program on a Linux PC routing the AF signal to the Direwolf modem for digipeating.

The UHF signal is fed through a band pass filter to an Airspy Mini SDR. Signals are processed on a Raspberry Pi 4 running a SATNOGS client.




SATNOGS – Open Source global network of satellite ground-stations

SatNOGS Network is a global management interface to facilitate multiple ground station operations remotely. An observer is able to take advantage of the full network of SatNOGS ground stations around the world. It’s part of the SatNOGS project.

Since end of April 2022 I operate a satellite monitoring ground station. It is running on a Raspberry Pi 4 with an Airspy SDR connected – via a dual band bandpass filter (2m/70cm) – to a 3/5 element Yagi antenna. The Yagi is fixed mounted pointing SSW with a 20 deg elevation.


Station ID is 2650 – 9V1KG. I just updated the software to the latest version 1.8.1. Over the last 9 months 3500 observation were stored in the SATNOGS database, the success rate is between 60 and 70%.

Linear Loaded Dipole for 20 m

As the propagation conditions getting worse for 15 m and 17 m, I extended my linear loaded dipole on both sides by 1.8 m in order to cover the 20 m band. SWR is ok without modification of the 1 : 4 transformation line.

Will see, how it works in the upcoming CQWW DX CW contest.