For my VHF/UHF setup I am using a dual band Yagi antenna mounted with 20 deg elevation, beaming SSW (210 deg). The signal is fed to a dual band amplifier (DBA) from SSB electronics and split into the VHF and UHF path.
Fixed mounted VHF/UHF Yagi at 210 deg with 20 deg elevation
VHF goes to my Icom IC-9700. If not used otherwise, it is running on the 144.39 MHz APRS frequency. Signals are processed via LAN using the remote Wfview program on a Linux PC routing the AF signal to the Direwolf modem for digipeating.
The UHF signal is fed through a band pass filter to an Airspy Mini SDR. Signals are processed on a Raspberry Pi 4 running a SATNOGS client.
Use your analog handheld transceiver (HT) to report your position, status and receive frequency to the APRS network using DTMF touch tone!
Possible commands to the gateway are shown in the table below. Correct input will be replied with Morse code R for roger, or ? for errors. APRS frequency in Singapore is 144.390 MHz.
Your full 10 digit call sign (always transmit at first)
Your home location xx (see below), status 9 (set to “APRStt user”) and your 5 digit abbreviated suffix zzzzz (see below)
xxBzzzzz# e.g.20B15409#
Set location to xx (zzzzz your suffix abbreviation)
xxxxxxCzzzzz# e.g.145500C15409#
Change QRG to xxxxxx (exactly 6 digits), zzzzz your suffix abbreviation.
xCzzzzz# e.g.3C15409#
Change status to x: 1 – off duty, 2 – en route, 3 – in service (check in), 4 – returning etc.
To check in to the gateway press MEM 1 for your full call and then MEM 2 to report your location. Afterwards you might change location, QRG, status or symbol using the keypad.
Example: FT-60
On the Yaesu FT-60 HT you have nine available DTMF memories with max. 16 chars each. Two DTMF modes can be selected: MEM and CODE. Press F/W DTMF to toggle between both.
In MEM mode you simply press the PTT and one of the keys 1 to 9 to transmit the predefined DTMF sequence of the respective DTMF memory.
In CODE mode you press PTT and each key 1 … 9 and A … D, *, # will send the corresponding DTMF tone.
Keypad FT-60
How to program the DTMF memories? F/W SET sel 17 -> DT WRT F/W sel d1 … d9 DTMF memory F/W Press keys 1 … 9 or sel A … F followed by F/W for your DTMF tone sequence. E corresponds to “*” and F to “#”. Press F/W > 1 sec to store.
Example: IC-9700
You can also send DTMF sequences from your home station. For example, the Icom IC-0700 has DTMF capabilities with 16 DTMF memories.
IC-9700 DTMF Menu
Select MENU, then 2 and DTMF. EDIT d0 (MEM 1) to enter ACmy10digitcallsign# and d1 (MEM 2) to enter C9*xxBmy5digitsuffix# – xx your home location.
Select Direct Input or d0 … d* to send manual input or predefined sequences.
Determine your 10 digit call sign number
Example: 9V1KG_ is the key sequence “981540“. The last “0” stands for space, as the call sign only has 5 characters. Next we need to add a check sum based on the position of individual letters. “9”: no letter = 0. “V”: 3rd letter of TUV = 3. “1”: no letter = 0. “K”: 2nd pos of JKL = 2. “G” 1st pos of GHI = 1. “Space” 1st pos of _ = 1. The resulting number is 030211. Taken as a base 4 number we need to convert it to a base 10 number:
The resulting 10 digit number for 9V1KG is 9815400805.
Store ACyour10digitnumber# in your 1st DTMF memory.
Shortcut: For Singapore hams (9V1) with a 2 letter suffix just add the position of the first suffix letter (1…3) multiplied by 16 to the second suffix letter (1…3) multiplied by 4 to 769.
Example: 9V1LH_ = 981540, checksum 769 + 48 + 8 = 825 (L: pos 3*16 + H: pos 2*4 ), the result is 9815400825.
Abbreviated 5 digit call sign
Once your full call sign is known to the gateway, it can be abbreviated to the 3 character suffix only. For 9V1KG the suffix is 1KG. Calculation is analogue to the 10 digit call sign. Key sequence for 1KG is “154“. “1” no letter = 0, “5” 2nd letter = 2, “4” 1st letter = 1, i.e. resulting in 021. Converting to a base 10 number:
0 * 16 + 2 * 4 + 1 * 1 = 8 + 1 = 09
The resulting abbreviated 5 digit call sign number is 15409. My full call sign can be abbreviated with 15409 or even shorter 154.
Shortcut: For Singapore hams (9V1) with a 2 letter suffix just add the position of the first suffix letter (1…3) multiplied by 4 to the position of the second suffix letter (1…3).
Example: 1LH = 154, checksum 12+ 2 = 14 (L: pos 3*4 + H: pos 2 ), the result is 15414.
Terminate any tone sequence with ACzzzzz# – in my case AC15409# – the gateway will complement it to your full call sign. You just need to remember a 5 digit number.
After check in with your call sign ACtttttttttt# (MEM1) and home location C9*xxBzzzzz# (MEM2), you can change to a new location by entering the DTMF sequence xxByyyyy# with xx your location number – as shown in the tables below – and yyyyy your abbreviated call sign (see above). Example: Pressing 30B15409# on the keypad in CODE mode will set my location to Bedok.