CQ WPX over … stn closed. Poor propagation, could not improve from last year. But 850 qso and 700k points in low power is also not bad. 🙂 4E1A

CQ WPX over … stn closed. Poor propagation, could not improve from last year. But 850 qso and 700k points in low power is also not bad. 🙂 4E1A
Last weekend I participated in the CQWW DX contest SSB part under the call sign 4E1A. Propagation was miserable on 40 m and 80 m; with my 100 W low power I was seldom heard by DX stations in EU or NA. On 20 m and 15 m propagation was acceptable, and I got even some openings on 10 m. Finally, I could exceed my points from 2018 and made 852 contacts with 62 DXCC entities and in 30 zones.
Raw score: 2287 QSOs x 191 multipliers = 436817 points.
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Staying Connected
After the COVID-19 pandemic the meeting was rescheduled to April, 15th, 2023. Place and time to be defined. We will inform all registered participants about new plans and schedules on this website.
Online registration is open now! Please register here. Fees are 700 Pesos per participant and additional donations are always welcome. After your registration you will receive a confirmation email. Please transfer the amount due to the following account:
and email a copy of the bank slip with your name written on it to Mita (mita0955@yahoo.com ) , Zedith (solid_zedisu@yahoo.com) or Violeta (violetarivera736@yahoo.com).
You can upload your picture on the picture upload page. Pictures will be shown in the NSPH 2020 participants’ gallery.
Looking forward …
Presentation of my FT-818 go kit and portable operation to Coron, Palawan on the February SARTS monthly meeting.
Surprise in the mail: plaque for CQ WPX CW contest 2018
Finished the setup of my portable station. All components are mounted together using maker beam profiles: FT-818, PA MX-P50M, ATM Z817, Solar charge controller and Computer interface.
The results for the CQWW WPX Contest 2018 are out for CW and SSB. I was able to achieve in both modes #1 in the Philippines for all bands, low power. In CW, first time ever, I became continental winner for Oceania.
Equipment: IC-718, 100W, Inv. Vee dipole for 40 and 80 and 3 el Spider beam for 15 m and 20 m. For 10 m I just matched the Spider beam with a matchbox.
Today I tested the first time my new solar power setup for portable operations. I am using a 60 W PowerFilm foldable solar panel and a 5 A MPPT charge controller for a LiFePo4 4S battery. The whole weight is 1600 g including the 5 m connection cable.
It was cloudy day and the sun was most often covered by clouds. The panel is only exposed to 1/3 up to max. 1/2 to the full sunlight, if it is there.
Using a power analyzer, the data show a 1.4 A peak current and 19 W peak power. I was able to charge 10 Wh in about 2 hours. Next time I will try to get the panel under full illumination in the sun and measure again.
The analyzer shows current, voltage and power and in addition peak values for current and power as well as total energy (power integrated over time) in Wh.