My spider beam is up for one year now in Tagaytay. Unfortunately we have a lot of wind here, and the element wires of the beam started tangling.
I can only get it down in March or April, to check and bring some more tension to the lines and wires.
My spider beam is up for one year now in Tagaytay. Unfortunately we have a lot of wind here, and the element wires of the beam started tangling.
I can only get it down in March or April, to check and bring some more tension to the lines and wires.
During this visit I had more time to setup my station in Tagytay and test the antennas. I was very impressed by the performance of the spider beam and even the good propagation on the lower bands.
Installation of my 12 m tower and shortwave beam.
4 segments 3 m each
The last segment put in place