
80/40/30 m Dipole

For the lower bands I am using a 40/80 m trap dipole. In order to become qrv on 30 m, I added a radiation coupled lambda/2 element for 30 m, using 10 cm spreader. After cutting the additional wire to the right length, the resonance on 30 m is exactly at 10.1 MHz. The additional element has no influence on the resonance for 40 and 80 m, but the impedance on 30 m is with 150 Ohm significant higher than 50 Ohm.

10.1 MHz Impedance (141 – j34) Ohm – VSWR 3

7.1 MHz Impedance (40 + j1) Ohm – VSWR 1.24

3.6 MHz Impedance (27 – j5) Ohm – VSWR 1.9

CQ WW DX SSB contest 2017

My first participation in this contest. Would have preferred the CW part, but we will not be here end of November. Decided to enter the classic, non-assisted, single operator class for 20 m band only.

Propagation conditions were not bad. 77 DXCC entities, 31 CQ zones and 411 contacts result in a raw score of 121 thousand. Quite satisfied with the result!