Meeting Stephan, DG1BGS, in Singapore. He is moving to Singapore in 2018 and will apply for a 9V license.
Linear Loaded Dipole for 20 m
As the propagation conditions getting worse for 15 m and 17 m, I extended my linear loaded dipole on both sides by 1.8 m in order to cover the 20 m band. SWR is ok without modification of the 1 : 4 transformation line.
Will see, how it works in the upcoming CQWW DX CW contest.
WAEDC CW Result 2017
CQ WW DX SSB contest 2017
My first participation in this contest. Would have preferred the CW part, but we will not be here end of November. Decided to enter the classic, non-assisted, single operator class for 20 m band only.
Propagation conditions were not bad. 77 DXCC entities, 31 CQ zones and 411 contacts result in a raw score of 121 thousand. Quite satisfied with the result!
Visit of JA3FJE

G5RV Measurements
After replacement of my 80/40 m trap dipole with the G5RV antenna, I made some measurements. The antenna has a height of 12 m at the center, and is hanging as an inverted V with both ends still 4 to 5 meter above ground. The symmetric feeder line is connected via a 1:1 balun to 12.9 m 50 Ohm coaxial cable.
WAEDC CW Contest 2017 – 4E1A
Just finished the Worked All Europe DX Contest (WAEDC) in CW. It was my first participation as a non-European station using my vanity callsign 4E1A in the single operator low power class. Only contacts to European stations are allowed, and you can sent telegrams (QTCs) to them to earn additional points. Poor propagation conditions made it very difficult this year. On the 40 m band there was a lot of noise due to lightening (QRN), and I could only make 3 contacts (QSOs). Nevertheless, it was fun to participate again after more than 25 years (!) ago 1991 under my German call sign DK4TB.
Now active under 4E1A
Finally, with the help of PARA, I received the vanity call sign 4E1A. Will use it for the first time during the upcoming All Asian DX Contest CW contest.
DX1ACE June Meeting in Tagaytay
The General Meeting of the Cavite Radio Amateur Enthusiasts (DX1ACE) took place on June 11th in our house in Tagaytay. Thanks to all for joining!
Visit of DU1KA and ZS6BR
From left to right: Al, DU1KA, Klaus, 4E1ADW and Brian, ZS6BR